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Wood Products Are Always the Better Choice

Standing in the back-to-school aisle at your local retailer is a daunting annual experience. Choosing from the selection of pencils alone, between traditional wood and mechanical plastic and the many brands, colors, and styles offered, has become overwhelming.

One criterion is easy to establish – always opt for a wooden pencil. They are better for the environment and are made mostly from sustainable and renewable materials. (Are Pencils Eco-Friendly? 11 Important Facts You Should Know,

In fact, always opting for a wood option is a good rule of thumb for any product. Why?

  • Wood is more durable than plastic, which can warp, melt, and chip over time.

  • Wood is biodegradable.

  • Wood can be reused and recycled.

  • Wood and production of wood products have a much lower carbon footprint than non- wood alternatives. (The Carbon Impacts of Wood Products, US Forest Service.)

  • Wood is a renewable resource.

  • Not to mention, wood is beautiful!

Wood is a Renewable Resource

Forests are an amazing resource, and wood from this resource is found in thousands of products we use every day. Wood from sustainably grown trees is renewable and recyclable. If appropriately managed, forests can provide us with excellent resources for future generations.

Sustainable Forest Management strives to maintain and grow healthy forest ecosystems for the future while at the same time cultivating and using forest resources to meet our needs.

It is a holistic approach that is all about achieving balance – managing a balance between three pillars to achieve sustainability and meet our needs: economic, social-cultural, and environmental.

  • Environmental Needs:

    • Maintain healthy, sustainable forests for the future.

    • Preserve and enhance wildlife habitat.

    • Decrease forest fire risk.

    • Aid in the fight against climate change.

    • And more… (Learn More: Working to Protect Montana’s Forests Through Responsible Management).

  • Social-Cultural Needs: Forests are essential centers for lifestyle, health, culture, spiritualism, learning, and development.

  • Economic Needs: Forests sustain individuals and communities by providing a source of food, fuel, clean water, livelihoods, and industry.

The demands on our forests are only increasing, but through sustainable forest management, we can achieve balance among these pillars and ensure the health of our forests for future generations.

The Montana Logging Association and Montana Timber Legacy Foundation are doing their part. By working to help Montana achieve this balance by establishing and educating sustainable timber harvesting best practices, standards, and principles that uphold its commitment as stewards of Montana's forests, we are ensuring generations of healthy forests for future Montanans.

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