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Writer's pictureMontana Logger

Karl's Korner

At the moment, I am working at a job south of Condon, next to Holland Lake, with great views of the lake and the Bob Marshall wilderness.  Since I finally found myself in Tim McEntire’s region, he graced us with his presence on the job site. I want to thank Tim, Justin, and Jason for all their hard work they put into helping all of us loggers stay safe.  

With fall in the air, my wife and kids are back at school.  This past summer flew by, and I never got to enjoy it with my family like I hoped I would. It makes me appreciate all the small moments I have with them.  At the beginning of August, I had the privilege of helping my in-laws celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in San Diego, with my wife, kids, and my sister-in-law.  During our five-night stay at a condo on Mission Beach, I enjoyed sitting on the porch in the early morning and evenings, listening to the ocean, along with watching people walk, run, or ride bikes on the pathway in front of the porch On one of our outings, we went to Sea World, which I remember going there once when I was a young kid, and I hoped my kids would enjoy it as much as I did. Watching my kids enjoy the orcas swimming around under the water is a memory that I won’t ever forget. The last night of our stay, we ventured up the beach about half a mile to Belmont Amusement Park, which is like a carnival with rides, food and lots of people.   Talk about a culture shock, this small-town Montana boy was not prepared for that, and it made me appreciate where I live and work.

  My company celebrated our two-year anniversary at the beginning of September, and we have been very fortunate to stay busy.  This summer we’ve had two logging operations going, the dirt side slinging dirt like crazy, a masticating side, and our new adventure that is just taking off, our firewood yard.  The shop is still being built, and it’s exciting seeing the progress every weekend.  I’m proud to be a part of KLM Logging and Excavating.

Until next time,

 Karl Kanduch

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